Friday, June 11, 2010

Another robbery case in Ridzuan Condo..
What's the problem right now??
Lift robbery case was just happened not even 3 months ago and now another case..
This time, I am not so sure about it, but I guess its happened in the house..
Same block, Block B Ridzuan Condo, 19th floor..
Sigh.. Security is really very bad nowadays..
What to do?? Be careful la everyone.. =)


NiNi said...


excalade89 said...

Blame the unemployment and the financial crisis. When you look at what makes the world as it is today, try and understand why crimes happen. Criminals are desperated to survive, just as we do. We study so hard to graduated for the sake of finding better jobs. :(

but seriously, have to be careful edi. Don't walk alone.