Sunday, August 31, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Came back to my home sweet home at thursday night...'s really feel great to be at home...
had pizza as my dinner then jz stay at home enjoyed my day with my lovely family...
The nx day( friday) as usual, i slept till 12pm...Then eat and online....
At night, i eat BAH KUT TEH.... hahaha... bah kut teh again....
Then...guess wht happend..
at the time of 11pm, some of my CRAZY fren came my house...
my cousin jiun, keat and teck...Teck drove us out v his huge huge van....
hahaha..jz imagine how funny is the situation...hahahaha
But its really nice to be v them...
long time didnt contact v them ady as we r all study at different college..
Tarc, Inti, Taylors....
Saturday- my secondary school interact club installation day...
went there to have a look and met my frens....
such an age we never meet each other as all of us are busying for our studies...
Have CENDOL v my darling kelly and shi mei....(we left cherine alone at the hall)lolz...
my darling treat me cendol and roti canai... so sweet....^^
then we went to buy things...
actually i planned to buy a purse and bag....
but then.... i end up v buying.........hahahahahhaha....
At night, i havea small small small party at my house v my dearest family...
we countdown together...hahaha....
actually... not really countdown lah... jz feel like wanna have a party..
coz my elder bro and i sekdom be at home together...
so... we drank wine, eat kacang and chit nice~~~
Actually i brought all my notes and books back..plan to study for the mid term and do those assignent...but... F-A-I-L-E-D :(
wht to do.... i m tht lazy de loh...
dunno how to die when the reach the deadline....

feel great to be at home....^^

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Before the class start..
We are in the
We r trying to burn michelle's face and......hahaha....its lolz..afetr burnt her face then her leg...
Kiss Kiss...

They are twins- kai chin and wey chin....lolz
The true colour of kaichin....hahahahah

Party moment....KARAOK time....enjoyed....^^Sleep time- end of the day....hehehehehehehhe

Thursday, August 28, 2008

michelle's hse..

18th august-my last updated blog,.... is 28th august....
10 days ady didnt update my blog...ehheh
lazy to type lo...lolz
yesterday went to my dear dear dear lovey michelle's house with kc after class...
had 'mi huen ke' as my lunch while two of them had curry noodle...
then back to michelle's place...
we play and chat and play and chat....
and took alot alot of pic for sure...ehhe
(will update those photo tomorrow....)
after bath,after michelle's mum back, michelle bring us to eat ba kut teh...
guess where we went????
we went klang parade's to sing K....
actually... tht was my 1st time go the place....
i've never been to those place b4....
i have gv my 1st time to 2 chin-wey chin & kai chin...
really vy enjoy lo...
kc was the Karaok queen...
she got many action when she sing...
michelle and i keep laughing at her but she dun care at all...
so funny....
went JJ after tht...
bought some fried chicken and 1 dunno whts tht..
at the night.... we rogol michelle...hahaha
how 'lucky' is she..lolz....
we chit chat til almost 1am then its the end of the day....
Thx for your hospitality chinnie...^^ muackz...*hugs**
(phot will be update tomorrow)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

!st class of human communication

Actually i plan to walk to school at 9.30am...
but then the sky suddenly turn dark and sooooooooooooo windy at 9am like tht..
so, i decide to go at tht time in case later its rain...
but...knw wht??? i jz step one of my foots out of the ridzuan gate, rain started to pour on my whole body....walau...hahahahahah....
Well... no choice, i took taxi at the end .hehe
Today wa the 1st day of human com class... the lecturer- miss T, is actually jz came back from vacation..she went nice....
She teached at the lecture class and during the tutorial class.... we watched a movie-"Forest gump"...
quite nice actually...but we didnt manage to finish the movie as we didnt have enough time....
Don;t think its so nice and relax tht we could watch movie during the's actually PART OF OUR ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!
shit la.. jz the 1st day of the class then got assignment ady...jz like the english studies..
we are asked to do a MOVIE REVIEW...
Never do it b4.... jz done book review...
i've jz started my course 3 weeks ago and now..i have 8 assignment +1 project+ SAY club event.
Well, actually i'm quite enjoy to do all of them if they'll not be given mark...heheh...
Stress leh.....the deadline is near + mid term exam is just around the
It's pretty challenging....
Anyhow, still nid to do la...start now,really nid to put all my efford into studies ady...
can't always think tht i still have many time.......

Monday, August 18, 2008

Malaysia's last and only hope...

Malaysia 1st silver medan...........LEE CHONG WEI....

Although is jz a silver, at least better then nothing...

he already try his best.... everyone can see it...

He is still the best for me although he didnt win....

Feel so proud of him....

Lin dan is damn geng....

he is soooooo strong man.....

Friday, August 15, 2008

pyramid day,.....

Assignment , project, assignment, project!!!! Everything flow in the same time...
seriously, i didnt even finish ANY one of them..ehhe
I have started the journal actually, stil in the process...
Really can;t think brain was stuck!!!!!!!
dunno wht to write ady...
as usual, i sleep the whole afternon today...heeh
coz friday no class ma...
yesterday,during the 3 hours break,b4 the meeting start, went sunway pyramid with these lovely and wonderful friends..

9 of us...

me,michelle, yvonne, foong yee, annaRuth, qer xin, laura , chin

2 kampung girl looking at the pepsi...heheour lunch at pyamid pizza sticker: 6 of us-laura, anna, qer xin, chin, joanne, michelle


met this baby when buying donuts...he is damn cute man....haha

we bought this b4 going back for meeting,,,J.CO donuts....

At night.... i went pyramid

almost the whole week i went pyramid..

my purse was hurt....hahah....

but really enjoy spending time v them loh..nvm la.... nx week nid to control myself ady...

can;t always go jalan jalan...hehe..

Went for a movie at night v my housemates and roommate..

"Wall E"....feeling like kena tipu loh...

at 1st they said it was a 3D movie....
but then when it started, its jz a normal cartoon movie..jz using 3D as background...hahaha

i'm not so understand the movie actually...haaha

but i knw its talking abt the environment things la....hehehe...